Hard Drive Shredders

HSM hard drive shredders obliterate your hard drives beyond recognition. The HDS models are designed to destroy hard drives, CDs/DVDs, magnetic tapes, USB sticks, and other digital media storage devices into fine particles, ensuring complete data protection. These powerful shredders prevent any possibility of data retrieval, a risk that remains with hard drives that haven’t been properly destroyed. Capable of destroying 1,000 to 2,000 items per hour, these industrial-grade shredders reduce media storage devices to tiny remnants, making data recovery impossible. Traditional methods like bending, piercing, or burning are insufficient for ensuring complete data destruction, but our industrial shredders provide a reliable solution.

For the highest level of data security, we recommend using a degausser before shredding. For more information or to discuss your needs, contact a shredder expert today at (800) 243-9226.